SanitationCleaning and disinfection in agriculture

Farm Sanitization Specialists, maintaining clean and hygienic farm and barn environments


With expertise in farm sanitization, we deliver comprehensive cleaning services tailored to meet the latest rules and regulations. Quality and infection control are at the forefront of our operations as we meticulously adhere to safety authorities’ recommendations and requirements.

Recognizing the demands and extra strain placed on your farming operations, we prioritize efficiency and discretion in our approach. Utilizing cutting-edge tools and safety equipment designed specifically for agriculture, we ensure swift and effective sanitization with minimal disruption to your working operations.

We are trusted Farm Sanitization Specialists helping farmers to safeguard thier farm’s hygiene and productivity with our innovative solutions and dedicated service.

Choose Amploy for farm sanitation and cleaning, experience the difference in quality and reliability. Contact us today for customized solutions that suit your unique business needs.

What we cover

We have established a strong relationship with insurance companies and local Matilsynet departments, so whenever issues or concerns arise, Amploy can meet the demands of farm sanitization, we cover a wide range of outbreaks like:

  • Ringworm
  • Bovine Tuberculosis
  • APP (Avian Pox Virus)
  • Mink House Sanitization
  • SPF Converts (Specific Pathogen Free Conversion)
  • Cleaning & Industrial Cleaning

If you’re contemplating a switch to SPF or have already decided to do so, Amploy provides the following options:

  1. Full Sanitization Project: We can handle the entire cleaning project for you.
  2. Assistance with Washing: We can support you in the washing process.
  3. Disinfection Process: Our team can execute the necessary disinfection procedures.

Our employees undergo regular MRSA tests and take follow-up samples after international travels, ensuring the highest standard of hygiene and safety on the farm.

Our comprehensive range of services ensures we will find the right option tailored to the needs of both candidates and companies.

Worry-free staffing solution
Through close collaboration with farmers, Mattilsynet, and insurance companies, we craft tailor-made plans to align with the specific operational requirements of each farm. Amploy conducts comprehensive surveys and risk assessments of the area, drawing upon extensive experience and working in close conjunction with veterinary services and the Mattilsynet.


Do you require general barn cleaning? Read more here

Want to know more?

Get in touch!

Marek Marszalek

Marek Marszalek

General manager

Bojana Sumatic

Bojana Sumatic

Farm Liaison Manager & Recruitment Consultant

Further reading for common outbreaks


When in need of sanitation services, we can handle efficient removal of harmful bacteria and viruses to ensure a safe and hygienic working environment on the farm. Especially in case of ringworm outbreaks, a common and contagious skin disease in animals, we take rapid and targeted measures to limit the spread and ensure the animals’ health and well-being.

Ringworm is a serious concern for farming operations, as it can affect both the animals’ welfare and the farm’s reputation. Our ringworm sanitation service is thorough and comprehensive, focusing on eliminating the pathogens from the environment and preventing future outbreaks. We use effective disinfectants and techniques to ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection of affected areas.
Our goal is to contribute to quick and efficient control of the ringworm outbreak, while maintaining a safe and hygienic environment for both animals and humans on the farm. With our experienced and dedicated professionals, you can be assured that the sanitation is carried out with high quality and careful follow-up to ensure the best possible result.